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Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Wouldn't that format be integrated with the old game versions found here?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :She's 17 and has to be home by 6. She shouldn't be disobeying the rules for you, she should be disobeying the rules for her. That's insane. If I had to be home by 6 when I was 17 I would have never gone home. Her parents are, quite literally, trying to prevent her from having a life.

When I was 17 the earliest I got back home from college was 11.30pm. And I'm not even a party type guy, it's just that my classes always ended really late!
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Most trans-continental flights have a selection of current and classic movies available on the in-flight entertainment system for free. You'll probably spend half of your time watching those, half sleeping (and a little eating). Don't worry, it'll be over sooner than you think.

I just did a 12hr flight to/from Japan and it was totally fine.

Would you say it was even a bit shorter than expected?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Vert very nice. Parabéns!
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :So, this thursday I'm leaving to the US of A. I have 2 flights. One long one from Brussels Airport to Atlanta and one short one from Atlanta to Orlando. From Orlando to Daytona Beach we drive.

What is the best way to keep myself entertained during the 10h flight to Altanta? It's my first time ever flying, I'm not feared of flying but rather feared of being bored to death. And I can't sleep in moving vehicles etc..

I allready have my camerabag etc.. as handluggage so can't take my laptop in the plane.

On the short flight (1-2h) I have my "gf" sitting next to me so that won't be boring.

Any helps?

At fifteen minute intervals, get up from your seat, walk towards a randomly selected passenger (idealy someone who's asleep), poke them on the shoulder until you get their attention and gently ask them if they've seen your pet lizard, because you're 99% sure it ran in their direction.

Go back to your seat, lather, rinse, repeat.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :i slacked my way to failure. i got kicked out because i was there on condition that i pass 50% or more of my classes.

i had 6. i passed 3. but that is not enough it seems.

**** this system.

yes, i say **** alot lately.

Yes, you should cut down on the swearing. McDonald's doesn't like potty mouthed employees.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from T3charmy :I am a high school student, and have a part time job as an Assistant Technology Director at a local school district... I help manage 320 iPads, I'm in charge of their virtual servers, and coding their website...

I also code websites and insims for my self... :P

That's nice. When I was in high-school the biggest thing I did was install cracked versions on Race 07 in all the school PCs.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :Full-time procrastinato

I like that job. I think I'll start looking a for a position next month.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Yes

Very nice. Shame no body fat = no tits, but hey, maybe you can get her to stop swimming for you. Congratulations!
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :I'll (finally) make a valid contribution to this thread, seeing as it's actually fitting now.

Is that that girl?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
I do mostly office-related work for a local branch of the São Paulo State Prosecutors' Office. It's located in a really poor town, so most of the time I'll be hearing people confess or denounce the sorts of crimes you won't find in any Law & Order episode.

I do earn relatively well (especially compared to other 20-somethings college dropouts), about R$4100 before tax, R$3500 after discounts (US$1770, £1130), a third of which goes to the rent, and another third to pay the loan I got at the bank to buy an used car. The rest's used to pay house expenses, US$ 80 for the cable, US$ 100 for the phone + ADSL bill, about $150 in food.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :

Gonna laugh if this is just like 9 inches.

I guess we can say it didn't disappoint.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :just fyi, you can freely take my (ex)gf now as she's available on the single market.

Does that mean we'd have to pay for her services while she was stil seeing you?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Lost it at this.

Well, I for one couldn't get past the swapping lanes at practice thing.

From my relatively limited experience, I'm pretty sure this isn't a frienzone issue, Rappa. More likely, she seems to be afraid of getting a no from you and ending whatever friendship you have - and from all the drunk calls you mention, you probably mean something to her, and you seem afraid of taking the initiative and getting stuck in friendzone hell. Just remove your emotional barriers and go for it. You're already used to seeing eachother half-naked anyway, there's only a short way to go now.
Something from GrandAM
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
It's fast, it's blue, it's bloody hard to get all the lines right.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
That's got Bloodhound Gang written all over it.

Which artist was responsible for that lyrical masterpiece?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :how about in same sex?

When I say 'opposite sex', I mean the one which is opposed to mine, not the sex which is opposed the that girl's one. All that sex got me confused now.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Minimaxman :Here we go then:

Congratulations, Sir. Just the type of girl next door looks I find utmost enjoyable in the opposite sex.

Question: had you been bonking her when this picture was taken, would it be accurate to class that as safe sex?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Onna day Imma going to Malta to bigga hotel
In the morning I go downa to eat breakfast,
I tell the waitress I want two pieces of toast,
She brings me only one piece,
I tell her I want two piece,
She sais: "go to the toilet",
I say: "you nounderstand",
I wanna piece on my plate,
she says: "you better not piss on your plate you son of a bitch",
I dont even know the lady and she calls me a son of a bitch

I don't need this shit!!

Later, I go to eata at the bigga restaurant,
the waitress brings me a spoon and a knive,
but no fork,
I tell her i wanted a fork,
she tella me everyone wanna ****,
i tell: "you dont understand,
I wanna fork on my table",
she says: "you better not **** on the table you son of a bitch",
I dont even know the lady and she calls me a son of a bitch

I dont need this shit!

So I go back to my room in a hotel,
and there are no sheets on the bed,
call the manager and telling him I wanna a sheet,
he tella me go to the toilet,
I say: "you dont understand,
I wanna sheet on my bed",
he says: "you better not shit on my bed you son of a bitch",

I go to the checkout and the man at the desk says 'peace on you',
I say 'piss on you too you son of a bitch, Im going back to Italia,
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :This is already shaping up to be a very good season

Yea....two races in Detroit, woohoo!!:tombstone
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Hotlinking is bad, mmmkay.
(Pic not showing)

Some people that visit this forum would even call it intellectual property theft... :juggle:
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :because i can?

Of course you can, but that's why we're here, to help you do the right thing. No use flogging a dead horse, so you might as well flog someone else instead.

When you inevitably breakup with your current girlfriend (or, more likely, the other way round), you'll want a Random Rave Girl to help you drown your sorrow and bounce back. These girls are like the Columbus hockey team, always nice to get your morale back up after a disheartening loss.

The way you're going, you'll end up with no GF nor a booty call. :nol2:
Last edited by Yuri Laszlo, .
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :

it is not something big that shes asking... other than her i talked to 2 other girls.. one of them is a good friend, and the other one is a random rave girl. rave girl = i dont give a shit so i deleted her. good friend... well.. i'll just delete my messages when i go see my gf and thats it.

as you said, she probably feels that my friend is a threat because she is a lifeguard.. but she doesnt know that shes kinda ugly so idk what shes goin on about... but if that is what she wants, well i'll do it.

no. i am not dominated. i just assume my responsibility and that I ****ed up. i can only blame myself and only I can fix it. so may aswell do as she says so at least shes not paranoid because of that.

Random. Rave. Girl. That's like rhyming slang for Free Sex Anytime. Why are you deleting her?!?!?!!
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
A heads up for anyone that got that 6-months-free Cadillac deal - you're about to get charged for an automatic six-month renewal (try explaining those 60 extra bucks in your dad's credit card bill using that excuse and see where it will get you). Cancel your subscription while you can. :dogrun:
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :It was down to 0C for a couple nights. Our winter lasts about 2 weeks here. I know I know, my fault for living here.

This year our winter falls on a wednesday.